Friday, July 12, 2013

Salmon Teriyaki With Honey, Lime and Corriander

My best friend cooked this the other day and it was so good I cooked it twice in the same week. Now we will try to quit salmon for a while. I even dreamt of the fish the other night.
It sounds like a complicated recipe but it is not. Takes only 20 minutes to cook and serves 4.

4 pieces of salmon fillet (one per person)
2 limes
fresh coriander
500g pasta (I used gluten free fusilli but noodles or plain rice are perfect too)
200g green beans or 150g asparagus

for the sauce
4 tablespoons soya sauce
1 tablespoon runny honey

In a wide frying pan heat a little bit of olive oil and put the salmon fillets in. Close the lid and let it cook in it's own juices for 5 minutes. If the olive oil starts going mad, lower the heat. Cook the pasta or noodles in a different pot at the same time according to package instructions.
Make the sause while the pot and the pan do their job. Keep stirring the sauce till you finally pour it over the salmon, which should be starting to turn white by now. At the same time put the green beans /asparagus on the sides to cook by the salmon. Cook for another 5 minutes or until the fish looks ready.
Put equal amount of pasta on every plate, one piece of salmon on top of each and pour the sauce on with some of the greens on the side. The juice of half a lime per person is ideal. Let everyone mix their own plate and enjoy with some fresh coriander on top.

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